Milestone Goldman Sachs investment in DIESCO

The US$225 million-dollar transaction in Diesco was made through the West Street Strategic Solutions Fund I (WSSS I) and marks a milestone for a Dominican capital company continuing its regional expansion.


Alyon is a multisectoral platform that results from the evolution of Diesco, after almost six decades of a successful trajectory in the DR and the Caribbean.

The 10 of Ten News


In our 56 years of existence, we have lived through many complex situations and from all of them we have emerged stronger: political and financial crises at the national and global level, natural disasters such as Hurricane María or the accident that occurred at the Polyplas facilities, as well as other events. They have given us valuable lessons, including the importance of being courageous and optimistic in the face of adversity.

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In our 56 years of existence, we have lived through many complex situations and from all of them we have emerged stronger: political and financial crises at the national and global level, natural disasters such as Hurricane María or the accident that occurred at the Polyplas facilities, as well as other events. They have given us valuable lessons, including the importance of being courageous and optimistic in the face of adversity.

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Diesco muestra liderazgo en el sector exportador dominicano en Hub 2018

A través de Polyplas y Termopac exportan a más de 40 localidades en el Caribe

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Diesco muestra liderazgo en el sector exportador dominicano en Hub 2018

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The US$225 million-dollar transaction in Diesco was made through the West Street Strategic Solutions Fund I (WSSS I) and marks …

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San Juan, Puerto Rico – Pac Tech International was awarded the Gold Manufacturer of the Year by Walmart de Puerto …

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La medida permite una mayor dinamización del sector productivo nacional gracias al potencial acceso directo a los fondos de pensiones.

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Los imperdibles de Diesco:

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La empresa privada en tiempos de pandemia

Nos acompaña: Manuel Diez Cabral
28 de febrero 2021 | 3:00 pm

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En Diesco somos una gran familia, como tal, trabajamos todos los días con entusiasmo y disciplina dando lo mejor de cada colaborador para seguir siendo la empresa multilantina lider de la región.

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